Monday, August 13, 2007

Almost Overcome with Lust Today......
I took the "BigBluePlasticMotorcycle" to the shop today for new steering head bearings. Call me a Wimp if you will, but that's NOT a job I wanna do in my garage. My Craptacular mechanic skillz just about guarantee a disaster of some magnitude. So I just said "To hell with it" and decided to let the professionals do it.

The object of my lust was there on the dealer floor. Whispering to me. - The New Kawasaki Concours.

Oh Baby! Come to Papa.

It's really dangerous for me to be left unsupervised around shit like that.
I didn't even ask them what it would cost me to drive that beauty home.

Just left a little drool on the tank, dropped my bike off and left.

Here's a motivational moment for you.
This is for my Piece of shit friend, Dr J, who took the time to call me the other day - While I was at work - And rag me about how He was standing on the side of the Pacific Coast Highway. And I wasn't. That was harsh.